There are Lots of reasons that can cause a person to snore. A clogged nose from a cold or flu infection, sinus problems from a cold or flu or even seasonal allergies can cause snoring Wrong sleeping position wherein the air passage is constricted, someone is most likely to snore while sleeping on their backs than any other sleeping position, but some do snore on their sides also. Heart problems can also cause snoring many people do not realize that snoring can be a sign to more severe diseases and life threatening illness. Excess tissue mass in the throat and tongue that constricted air passage is the most common cause of snoring Obesity may also cause snoring
There are a many ways to stop snoring some will work better for certain types of snoring problems than others. Some of techniques and methods used can be very simple and inexpensive and others can be at a total different range of being very expensive and complicated. The very first thing a person that is interested in stopping their snoring should figure out what sleeping position you are snoring in and if you snoring with your mouth open or closed. By knowing these two things you can start to determine what is causing you to snore. If you snoring is causing you to wake up from loss of breathe you should see a doctor and have a sleep study done to check for apnea.
Once you have the reason that is making you snore you can start working on the best way to cure your snoring Like I said before some of the snoring cures can be very inexpensive in simple, and some can be on the total opposite of the range, by being very expensive and complicated. I know some will say, "It don't matter the price of getting someone to stop snoring it's all worth it for the better sleep I can get". And yes for some money is no object and you just want to stop your snoring or your spouse's snoring I would recommend even if you can afford it, don't start of trying to find your snoring cure with expensive and complicated surgeries, when there are less expensive cures that might just work prefect for you.
You can start of search for your cure to snoring by doing simple thing like sleeping in different positions. Try different pillows and different angles you lay your head at. There are almost 300 patented products on the market that can be your cure, everything from special pajamas that are design using olden age's technologies. There are certain herb remedies that are known to cure snoring caused by certain infections. There are mouth pieces and exercises that are design to stop snoring in people with the most common snoring cause, where the tongue and throat become too relaxed in deep sleep and fall back narrowing the airway.
There are many ways to cure snoring I am not saying you have to try them all before you resort to surgeries, but I would recommend surgery being your very last resort. If is very import for one to determine the cause of their snoring and then they can pin point the best way to cure their snoring for good.